Dutchman Gets A Top Position At European Commission

Dutchman Gets a Top position at the European Commission. The European Commission has given the Dutchman Gert-Jan Koopman a top job in the daily management of the EU, posted by Planet Blog.
He was selected Director-General for the Budget on 1 August.
Koopman achieves the Spanish Nadia Calviño. Calviño recently became Minister of Economic Affairs in the new Spanish government.
Koopman has been in charge of the state aid department of the Directorate-General for Competition of EU Commissioner Margrethe Vestager since the end of 2010.
He is now going to work under the German Commissioner Günther Oettinger (Budget).
The most critical point on Koopman’s agenda is the new multi-annual budget for the EU.
It concerns the budget for the period from 2021 to 2027.
The commission wants the EU countries to deposit almost 1.15 trillion pounds in the Brussels pot in those seven years.
That is about 265 billion more than in the current multi-year budget from 2014 to 2020.
The Dutch government intends to cut back on the EU budget after 2020. The discussions on the so-called multi-annual financial framework (MFF) are expected to start.