European Emissions Higher, Just Below Pre-Corona Crisis Levels

European greenhouse gas emissions increased by 6 percent in the third quarter of 2021 compared to the same quarter a year earlier.
As a result, total emissions were almost back to the same level as before the corona crisis. However, total emissions will decrease in the long term, according to the European statistical office Eurostat.
The estimated total emissions in the third quarter amount to 881 million tons of CO2. In 2019, before the corona pandemic broke out, emissions in the third quarter were 891 million tons.
The increase in greenhouse gas emissions was mainly caused by the economic recovery in the third quarter. However, economic activity was significantly lower in the same quarter of 2020 due to the corona crisis. Industry and electricity supply caused the most emissions, 23 percent and 21 percent respectively. Both households and agriculture emit 14 percent of greenhouse gases.
Emissions rose in most countries due to the recovery from the corona crisis.