Denmark to Stop Wearing Masks Altogether

Even in Denmark’s last places where face masks had to be worn, this is no longer mandatory. So, for example, it will no longer be necessary to wear a face mask in public transport or on ferries as a passenger without a seat from Saturday.
The obligation to keep a distance (1.5 meters) had already been dropped, and passengers with a seat no longer needed a mouth cap.
According to the Ministry of Transport, it is logical that the mouth mask obligation for standing passengers will now also be deleted. However, the exception remains air traffic because, according to the ministry, this falls under international rules.
Initially, the mask requirement would disappear as of September 1, but that has been brought forward because, according to the authorities, public health is going well. The country with more than five million inhabitants has identified about 330,000 infections.
Of these, approximately 314,000 have been declared cured. However, Denmark attributes approximately 2,560 deaths to the coronavirus. Fourteen corona patients are currently in a worrying condition.