Second Lowest Ice Cover in Antarctica in 44 Years

Daily maximum temperature records were broken in Antarctica in March. Ice cover was 26 percent below the average for the 1991-2020 period last month. That is the second-lowest score for the month of March over the past 44 years.


The Copernicus service reports this for climate change, which was set up on behalf of the European Union and published monthly climate bulletins.

The global average temperature for March 2022 was about 0.4 degrees Celsius higher than the 1991-2020 average, making it the fifth warmest month of March on record.

Europe was 0.4 degrees Celsius cooler than average in March 2022, making it the third coldest March there in the past ten years. However, there were contrasts in Europe, with warmer than average conditions in the north and colder than average conditions in the south.

March was abnormally warm in much of the Arctic and Antarctica. The Arctic experienced the fourth warmest month on record in March.

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