Mark Zuckerberg Comes to European Parliament to Justify Himself

Facebook leader Mark Zuckerberg comes to the European Parliament to answer for the scandal around Cambridge Analytica. That confirms parliament president Antonio Tajani. When Zuckerberg passes by is not yet known. However, the session takes place behind closed doors.
The chairman personally invited the Facebooktopman to give text and explanation to the data breach of the social medium. In a statement Tajani today announced that Zuckerberg accepted that invitation. However, he does not tell his story in public: only the party leaders and the rapporteur of the Civil Liberties Committee are present, posted by eWorldNews.
Earlier, the CEO was still planning to send a colleague, but that could count on a lot of criticism from the MEPs. Tajani is pleased that Zuckerberg will now be present in person. “The citizens deserve a complete and detailed explanation,” Tajani said in his statement. “I am pleased with Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to appear personally for the representatives of 500 million Europeans. It is a step in the right direction to restore confidence. “
Guy Verhofstadt, chairman of the Liberal group, announces that he is boycotting the meeting with Zuckerberg if it is behind closed doors. , It has to be a public session – why not on Facebook Live? ”, The Belgian former prime minister wonders.
According to Verhofstadt, the largest group, the European People’s Party that also holds the CDA, has conspired with extreme right-wing parties in parliament to keep everything behind closed doors. CDA MEP Jeroen Lenaers says it is okay to find Zuckerberg. , But disappointing that it will take place behind closed doors. ”
Facebook has been under fire since it was announced in March that data had been leaked from countless Facebook users via an app. Zuckerberg accounted for this last month in the American parliament, the house of deputies and the Senate. Facebook has meanwhile started an investigation into other apps that may have also misused data. About 200 apps are temporarily blocked until it is clear whether data has indeed leaked.