Israel Takes Another Step Towards Government Without Netanyahu

Israeli parliament speaker Yariv Levin officially announced on Monday that a new government coalition had been formed.
The coalition is a motley crew of parties that most agree that the corruption-plagued right-wing Netanyahu is finally stepping down after 12 years. Levin also determines the day that parliament must express its confidence in the new team. According to Israeli media, that will be Wednesday or next Monday.
Then the government team can get to work. The far-right Naftali Bennet will then be prime minister until August 27, 2023. He then hands over the position to Yair Lapid of the centre party Yesh Atid (Future Party). The participating parties do not yet agree on all policy points.
The government has given itself 100 days to prepare a new budget, according to Israeli media. If not, the government will automatically fall.
The fragile coalition takes office after the country has held four elections in two years. Netanyahu is still trying to torpedo the coalition by getting parliamentarians from the participating parties to withdraw their support. If that fails, his premiership will be over after twelve years.
The 71-year-old politician also led a government for three years in the 1990s. His Likud party became the largest in the March elections, but this time failed to find a majority for a new cabinet.