A Large Majority in Israel’s Parliament Approved Deal With UAE

The Israeli parliament has approved the deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The countries have agreed that they will maintain a normal diplomatic relationship.
The accord received strong support in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset. Israeli media reports that 80 MPs voted in favour and only 13 against. These were parliamentarians from the predominantly Arab-Israeli or Palestinian Joint List.
A nine-hour debate preceded the vote. More than a hundred politicians took the floor, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposition leader Yair Lapid. “It’s a good deal and a real achievement,” admitted Lapid, who had little else to say about the Conservative government.
Not all opponents of the government are enthusiastic about the deal.
The MPs of the Joint List also say they are in favour of peace, but think that the Palestinians have not been helped with the agreements. “An agreement to continue the occupation is not a peace agreement,” one of those opposition members said this week.
Israel has no formal ties with many Arab countries. In the past, they have demanded that Israel conclude a deal to establish a Palestinian state and withdraw troops from areas conquered in 1967. Israel does have relations with the UAE, Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt.