Israel and the False Accusation of vaccine

Palestinian women who work in Israel stand in a vaccination centre in a factory in the Israeli-Palestinian industrial zone to receive a first dose of the corona vaccine from Moderna.
After delays, Israel began vaccinating Palestinians working within Israel and the West Bank settlements on March 8, 2021.
The fact that Israel allegedly does not deliver enough vaccine to the Palestinians calls primarily to Germany’s critics. A well-known pattern. You’d better listen to Palestinian activists who make entirely different allegations—her own leadership in Ramallah.
Around 130,000 Palestinians from the West Bank work in Israel. Jerusalem has promised to provide for them. This week the Israeli army opened eight centres at the border crossings and four Israeli settlements where all Palestinians with Israeli work permits can be vaccinated.
Most of them are men; Every now and then, a woman in a hijab and long clothes is employed in an Israeli supermarket or as a housekeeper. A nurse draws the curtains so that she does not have to expose herself to the strange men.