German Corona Top Only Breeds Angry Citizens

According to a commentary in the newspaper Bild, the German leaders who map out the corona policy are increasingly distant from reality.
It should be clear to them that you “only grow scared and angry citizens” if you meet every three weeks to “set new maximum numbers of infections each time and then come up with more bans,” the commentary said. The weekly magazine Der Spiegel calls the nightly top meeting ‘the chaos corona club’.
The commentator in Bild wonders if Chancellor Angela Merkel and the state prime minister think that “the citizens scroll through the ordinances before inviting their relatives over a cup of coffee? That they calculate if their nieces and nephews are 14 or already 15 years old and then unfortunately not allowed to come yet? “
Merkel and the prime ministers met on Tuesday morning after eleven o’clock with a hard lockdown for Easter and a tightening and extension of the corona measures. Some media commentators see the length of the talks as an indication that the Corona Summit leaders will not be able to reach an agreement next time.
The Rheinische Post calls it an act of despair by Merkel. The lockdown has been going on for five months and was announced as a one-month lockdown. The policy should not focus on banning but on rapid testing, vaccination and mouth masks, many comments say.
The media repeatedly accuse the government of having lockdowns but not coming up with a sensible approach to the coronavirus and failing with the vaccinations.